Chaise en bois années 70, relookée couleur corail et toile cirée Tutti Frutti par SophieLDesign
Matériaux utilisés: Bois, Toile cirée
Ma chaise Tutti Frutti a échappé aux encombrants.
Je l'ai recollée, car il lui manquait une patte,
puis poncée, et repeinte.
L'assise a entièrement été refaite en mousse que j'ai
recouverte de toile cirée motif "fruits".
Elle va très bien à l'intérieur comme au jardin,car la toile cirée la rend imperméable.
C'est une pièce unique.
La taille de la chaise est standard.
© Design par SophieLDesign
2013. Tous droits de reproduction interdits.
This is a simple wood and foam chair, originally covered in leatherette,
that I repaired first, and then reupholstered.
To reupholster it, I used oilcloth. I don't recommend oilcloth if you
are a beginner upholsterer (like I was !!) because it causes problems
when you use it that fabric won't cause. However, once in place,
it's perfect, because it's pretty, waterproof and very resistant.
This chair's model is a model of the seventies, that almost got
to the trash ! Luckily, I was there and I gave it a new life.
If you like this model, write me so that we can study a similar
piece for you.
© Furniture by SophieLDesign
2013. All rights reserved