Ensemble de cuillers en bois customisées, pastel. Lot de 4 cuillers de tailles différentes et 1 spatule. (5 en tout). Hêtre naturel, peint à la main et verni.
© SophieLDesign
2016. Tous droits de reproduction interdits
Cuillers en bois de cuisine, C H E F assortiment pastel
These simple wooden spoon are handpainted,
with acrylic color. They're made of beech wood.
The 2 smaller spoons have the same size,
They are light blue and pink, and 25 cm long (approx 10 in)
The two longer spoons are 31 cm (approx 12 in) long
and green and purple.
The wooden spatula is 30 cm (approx 11 in) long and pastel pink.
Ask me if you'd like to buy more than one set
of these, or if you'd like other colors.
These are not dishwaher safe, it is safer to handwash
them to preserve the decoration.
So now, what are you going to cook?
Enjoy !
© SophieLDesign
June 2015. All Rights Reserved