Théière + tasse vert émeraude & or, peint à la main
Matériaux utilisés: Porcelaine
Mini théière d'une contenance de deux tasses
J'ai peint celui-ci à la main, en m'inspirant d'une
porte du City Palace de la ville de Jaipur, en Inde,
que j'avais vue et photographiée et 2008.
Le paon est l'animal national en Inde (avec le lion)
et il symbolise la Grace, la Joie, la Beauté, et l'Amour.
J'ai verni la théière mais il faut éviter
de la passer au lave-vaisselle et ne pas utiliser
d'éponge grattante.
© SophieLDesign
Mars 2014. Tous droits de reproduction interdits.
A teapot, for one. It's made of a small teapot which is
contained into the teacup, and has a saucer.
I customized this one by handpainting it with the drawing
of a peacock, and I was inspired to make this design by
a picture I took in Jaipur, as it was the detail of the door
of the city palace, showing a magnificent carved and painted
If you would like to buy a similar object from me, please write
me and I will do my best to paint it for you.
© Home Decor by SophieLDesign
2014. All rights reserved. handpainted